
William Perkins School Sports Pavilion

February 1998

The building consists of ground floor changing accommodation and first floor community multi-purpose room, school and community sports coaching offices and external viewing terrace. The sports pavilion is designed to serve both school and community users and is sized to accommodate changing requirements of the external facilities comprising; cricket football and rugby together with a full size AGP, rounders pitch, cricket training nets and ball skills training grids.


The pavilion is a simple geometric form familial with the main school building comprising; stock facing brickwork, mid grey window and door frames, mid grey vertical fin balustrading, timber canopy soffits and galvanised columns and sliding security shutters. The palette of robust materials continues internally with exposed blockwork internal walls and exposed soffits and services complimented by brightly coloured internal doors, cubicles, lockers and benches.


School sport programme allows the facilities to be used by pupils of both the Academy and local primary schools together with community sport out of school hours. Community programme includes elite squads practice by England Netball and Arsenal FC, QPR FC, Middlesex CCC, the England and Wales Cricket Board and Brentham CC.


The facilities are funded by Premier League and FA Facilities Fund, The Football Foundation, Ealing Council, Sport England Inspired Facilities Fund and William Perkins Governor’s School Fund.