St Andrews Primary School
January 2011
St. Andrew’s is a primary school for approx 400 pupils, which provides the new home for the amalgamated Sacred Heart and St Gabriel’s Primary Schools in Greenock.
The school is on the site of the former Earnhill Primary School, which consisted of 1960s part single, part two storey buildings. The existing structures were totally refurbished, including the addition of new roofs. Further new build elements included the entrance area circulation and the kitchen and dining room. The library was also remodelled.
The challenge was to take an existing, poor quality (environmentally and aesthetically) school building and bring it up to current standards in terms of spatial organisation, environmental performance and appearance. This was achieved by part demolition of the single storey north block and the addition of a new single story extension. All of these ensured the reorganisation of the external approaches to create a more welcoming, secure and accessible approach to the building for the pupils and staff.
The building now operates as a friendly, vibrant, successful teaching facility.