
Perth Leisure Centre

March 2016

The client’s vision for the redevelopment is stated as: “developing a key sport and leisure facility provision within Perth City to effectively meet the anticipated sporting and leisure needs and aspiration’s for the next 20 years and beyond, building on the substantial success of the current provision”.

The general principle of the brief for SPACE & PLACE is to remodel the existing buildings to bring them up to a modern standard in terms of building services, fabric and function. The existing building services and fabric are approaching the end of their serviceable life and the sports and leisure facilities need to be updated to reflect current standards and expectations. The brief proposes a scheme to re-establish the position of the centre as a national attraction and a ‘flagship’ leisure project for the next 20 years.

The key accommodational requirements of the outline brief are:

Perth Leisure Pool

  • Remodelling the existing Leisure Pool to provide a flexible 25m 6 lane tank.
  • Facilities for children learning to swim, swimming for fun, for fitness and competition swimming to local standard.
  • Poolside seating for 150 spectators.
  • Children’s under 8 water play area.
  • Health Suite and Spa facilities.
  • Development of the training pool and ancillary facilities.
  • Redevelopment of the changing village to provide high quality changing through a combination of group rooms and village style cubicles.
  • Upgrade and replacement of services and plant.

Dewar’s Centre

  • New 100 station gym
  • New indoor adventure activity area suitable from ‘toddler to teenage’.
  • New multi-purpose purpose fitness activity rooms.
  • Development and upgrading existing Ice Rink.
  • Development of changing provision for Ice, Fitness and Health customers