Fairfield Pool
June 2016
SPACE & PLACE and Willmott Dixon worked together on the £12million refurbishment project of Fairfield Pool under the Scape Framework contract with Dartford Borough Council.
The existing pool was in need of modernisation, the leisure centre required additional facilities to cope with local demand and the plant items were outdated and inefficient.
The scope of works was divided into 3 elements; the refurbishment of the existing leisure pool, the refurbishment and extension of the central core and the addition of a new 4 court sports hall.
The pool hall was stripped of its existing finishes and refurbished throughout, leaving only its substructure, and superstructure. The filtration and associated plant equipment was removed and damages to the pool tanks were repaired.
The central core’s demolition was more extensive as new internal walls, floors and ceilings required reconfiguration to suit the new design and to suit current regulation requirements.
In addition, the new front double storey extension and grand entrance area gave the facility a frontage that promoted a new and dynamic elevation, prominent in new leisure centre designs. The new kids play, large café and viewing area and an expansive first floor fitness suite reflected the new active façade used as a catalyst to deliver the modern aspirations of the facility.
Externally, the building was comprehensively re-clad to modernise the building, and to increase its’ the energy performance. New electrical plant was installed, and a complete overhaul to the pool filtration system was also part of the refurbishment to increase the thermal performance and ensure the centre meets current standards.
The new 4 court sports hall was added to the south side of the building to use the division as a natural circulation route. In addition the accommodation includes a state-of-the-art 115 workstation fitness gym, two dance studios with a divisional wall, segregated wet and dry changing facilities, spinning studio, fitness assessment and sports clinic room. A new IT recovery room provides a database recovery centre for the rest of Dartford.
Externally the entrance route was re-surfaced and new landscape designed. The car park was reconfigured more efficiently with additional cycle facilities.