
Craigavon Leisure Centre

December 2020

SPACE & PLACE is developing a new leisure centre adjacent to the new civic centre in the heart of Craigavon, in Northern Ireland. The new centre is focused around a central hub space that will provide the heart of the leisure centre and also a focus for the adjacent lake and park activities throughout the year. The centre will be working closely with a new tertiary college being developed on a neighbouring site that will provide in work training programmes to support the class room work of the students.

The design has been developed to provide a sense of civic pride to the town which in common with many new towns of its era lacked an urban or civic focus.  Locating the centre adjacent to council offices, chamber and a conference venue will intensify activity and act as a catalyst for further development to the east of the town centre.

The S&P design team worked with the architectural design review panel of Northern Ireland, particularly through the early master planning phase, to maximise the potential for creating a vibrant centre for the town.

Facilities include:

  • 50m training pool Leisure & teaching water
  • Squash courts
  • 8-court sports hall
  • 200 station fitness gym
  • Studios,
  • activity rooms
  • health suite
  • Water sports centre